Rank Rank Hypergeometric Overlap

Graeber Lab Homepage

Looking for the regular version?

Looking for the simple version?
Batch Version

To obtain an executable version of RRHO, please contact the RRHO development.
An R package version of RRHO has been developed and is available via Bioconductor.

Guide RRHO batch user's guide
Sample regular zip file
Sample simple zip file
(WinZip is a compression program confirmed to work with the batch submit format.)
Zip File
 [Note: zip files created by Mac OS may have an incorrect folder structure]

Rank rank options
Email Address

Step size [recommended: 100-500. (Max number of genes to step size ratio is five hundred)]

Rank Lists
Bin File
Heat Map
Rank scatter plot
Metric scatter plot
Perform Benjamini-Yekutieli p-value correction

Overlapping gene list - Statistics Summary